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Friday, February 12, 2021

Things to Know BEFORE Making Your First RPG Maker Game! (Part I)

"So I bought RPG what?" 

Whether you bought RPG Maker 2003, XP, Vx, VxAce, MV, or MZ, you may find it helpful to familiarize yourself with the RPG Maker software before diving into the making of your first game. Here are a few things no one tells you about how the software operates. 

(Also be sure to check out our list of TERMs to KNOW when Beginning RPG Maker, if you're new to the RPG Maker experience. Just Click Here.)

Parallel Processing Overload

Event Trigger Options
With Events in RPG Maker, there is a setting that determines the trigger for the event, called "Parallel Process". This trigger type can come in handy when having animated events on your map, such as smoke billowing from a chimney of a house. When using this trigger on a map, it runs as expected and is not an issue---UNTIL you place too many of these types of events on one map!
Doing this can generate lag in your game; it can slow down the game's movement and frame loading rate drastically. This is true in RPG Maker MV and MZ, and ESPECIALLY with earlier versions such as Vx, VxAce, XP, 2003, and 2000!

This is one reason I prefer to make smaller, quaint, cozy maps---
so that I have less potential for limitations in what I can place on the maps.


In the "Skills" Tab of the Database, the first entry or first skill is "ATTACK" and is the default. When in battle, this will be the first option before the other options of Skill sets available to the PC (Player Character), Guard, Escape or Run options, etc. This will prompt the appearance of whatever weapon the character is using, to appear with the appropriate animation pose block in the Side-View Battler animation for a character to play, simulating the use of a weapon with the attack animation. 

By default, the animation for "ATTACK" is set to "Normal Attack". If you were to change this animation, you run the risk of other skills using whatever animation you set this standard attack animation to. 

This is a great example of things that aren't made clear in RPG Maker by the help files, yet I encountered it when I wanted a specific effect and when Battle-Testing, discovered that almost every skill an enemy or the PC would use, all referenced the same animation. It took me a lot of experimenting to see where this unwanted effect had occurred...
Simply changing the primary "Attack" in the first skill slot's animation back to "Normal Attack" was the resolution to the issue I had unknowingly created for myself. 😁

Character Walk Sheet Numbering

In the "characters" folder of the "img" directory in your game's project folder, are the walk graphics for each PC or NPC, or even objects. With character walking graphics, there is 3 columns, but 4 rows. The 3 columns are for stepping animation per direction, and the 4 rows relate to direction the character can walk in. In some instances, you may have multiple character walk graphics on one sheet. 
There may arise times that the number of which character on this sheet will be referenced or needed to be known. The numbering starts LEFT to RIGHT at the top, then LEFT to RIGHT at the bottom and starts numbering at "0", not "1". So, per 1 walk sheet with 8 characters, there will be 8 characters, though the numbering will end at 7, like in the photo reference...

UNLESS you are using RPG Maker XP, in which case there are 4 rows and 4 columns. It's the only RPG Maker version that uses this format for walk character sprites. RPG Maker 2003, Vx and VxAce, as well as MV and MZ all use the 3 columns, 4 rows format for character walk sprites.

Map Tile Numbering

Similar to Character Walk sheet numbering, when creating a new map, setting Map Size (Width and Height), the game engine begins counting tiles on the map from "0", not "1". It goes "0, 1, 2, 3, etc." on the X (horizontal) axis and the same for Y (vertical) axis.

The X and Y axis on maps may come up a lot, whether in tutorials, forum posts and comments, or you'll come across things related to the X and Y axis frequently. They are used for coordinates to track your character on any given map, an event's position on a map or in relation to another can be used to create "Town Portals" that take you from a dungeon back to town and then from town, back to the spot in the dungeon where you created the portal and was last when there.

X and Y coordinates are also used to show pictures and move pictures around, once on screen, in cut scenes and other functions...

For those of you who may not be aware, the X axis moves left-to-right and right-to-left (the horizontal directions), while the Y axis moves up-and-down, down-and-up (the vertical directions). I suggest playing with picture positioning or making your character "jump" through eventing and the "movement route" feature in the event windows, to get a better grasp of how X and Y coordinates work (especially since Y coordinates are different RPG Maker, than you may have been taught or use the knowledge outside of this engine). 


When placing tiles on maps (in map editing mode), try pressing the "Shift" key on your keyboard as you left-click your mouse for tile placement. You will get a different version of that auto-tile or the same tile, placed where you selected it to go. THEN...(with RPG Maker MV and MZ) if you right-click an already placed map square tile that has something placed in it from the tileset, you can copy it as it appears on the map by left-clicking on the map where you want it placed, and holding down the Shift Key. While we are on this topic...
Unique to RPG Maker XP, when you righ-click on a tile on the map, it'll automatically select THAT tile in your tileset, so that you know which tile it was that you had used on that square on the map's grid. Vx, Vx Ace, MV, and MZ do not do this.

In Conclusion...

This was but a few things that are nifty to know when starting your journey into video game developing using the RPG Maker series of software. There is more to add to this list, so you can keep checking back with us for further details. As always, we highly recommend making short (10-20 minute) games or just starting games with the mind-set of playing with the software to see what it is capable of and what the experience is like IN-GAME as well as IN-DEVELOPMENT modes, prior to endeavoring to make your first actual game. This will help your skills and give your games a polished feel in the long-run. 
Many Happy Returns!

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

RPG Maker MV Custom Map Pack 02: Towns and Villages

RPG Maker MV Custom Map Pack 02: Towns and Villages is NOW AVAILABLE!

SAVE Valuable Production time by having quality, unique map creation
done for you!

Making Maps can be easy, yet TIME CONSUMING. This Map Pack is created with you, the Game Developer in mind! 

The intention of this map package is to save you some time by providing YOU with custom maps and map tiles/character sprites, so that you can focus more on other aspects of designing your game!

This Map Pack is PERFECT for beginnings and experienced RPG Maker veterans alike!

Not only do you get 4 different Town and Village Maps, you also get different versions of two maps to ensure uniqueness to your game, which can be altered for even more customization! 

We include more than simply maps---the doors are already fully functional and only need be connected to the interiors of the houses and shops, or mines. There are even doors where you can't see them due to the angle of the buildings, yet they function like a regular door. The map details of battle backgrounds and such are already taken care of for you!

The chimney smoke is animated for you, as well as each lamp post, which can be turned on or off depending on time of day if you have a day / night cycle set-up in your game project.

Even with all the work we've done for you, there remains plenty of room and flexibility to add your own touches.

We Hope these Maps will save you valuable time while adding unique locations for your players to explore!

What You Get:

+ 1 Mining Village Map.          + 1 Canyon Town Map.
+ 1 Forest Village Map.          + 1 Meadow Town Map.
+ 2 Extra Variation Maps of the Forest Village.
+ 2 Extra Variation Maps of the Meadow Town.
(That's 4 Different Location Maps PLUS 4 Variation Maps
for a TOTAL of 8 Custom Maps!

+ Custom Tile Sprites for use with these maps or in your own!
+ Custom Designed Street Lamps and Sign Posts, which can double as
Street Lamp Posts, as well!
+ Basic Map Detail Setup.
+ Clear, Easy Instructions on how to install these maps into your own game project.
+ Fully functional door transfers.
+ Custom Sign Events on Sign Posts
(all you have to do is alter them to your own streets and roads.)
+ Custom Map Shadow work.

Thank you All for your Interest and Support in our continued contributions to the RPG Maker and gaming industry!


Friday, February 5, 2021

Final Fantasy VII's Cloud Character for RPG Maker MV and MZ (PREMIUM)

  GAME ATTOMIX RPG offers a RPG Maker MV & MZ Character Sprites Pack for a very popular game character! With 14+ Hours of Spriting work put into making all the elements of this custom character package (Free and Premium versions), you are sure to get the quality resources 

YOU CAN HAVE CLOUD in your Game Projects!

This Cloud Character Pack is part of our collection designed in honor of the Final Fantasy VII series, especially with the release of its forthcoming remake. We have other Character Packs in this series as well, though check out the details below to see what comes with this Premium CLOUD Character Pack!

What You Get in this Character Pack:

+ 16 Face Graphic in Quality .png file format.
+ 2 Character Walk Sprite sheets in Quality .png file format.
    (1 with Cloud's sword on his back & 1 with no sword on his
+ 1 Character Damage Sprite sheet in Quality .png file format.
+ 5 SideView Battler (SV_Actor) Animated Sprite sheets in Quality .png file format. 
    (2 without Cloud's sword on his back & 3 with it.)
+ 1 Custom Weapons animation sprite sheet in .png format (for when Cloud is using his sword).
+ Instructions and other documentation on this digital resource included in the package.

This character pack was created for use primarily for RPG Maker MV or RPG Maker MZ, though it can be used in other game engines with some re-sizing and manipulation that is the responsibility of the game developer who acquires this character pack.  
(See Below for Samples)

Final Fantasy VII's Cloud's (MAIN) 2 Side View Battlers (Premium version)
(Though, there is 5 total.)

Final Fantasy VII's Cloud's Walking Graphics, Damage Graphic, Face Art, SideView Battler sheets, and Animated Weapon Graphic (for when character is using this Custom Cloud Sword Weapon) are shown on the Premium Version Cover Art.
Below are the Custom Animations that appear in the SideView Battler Sheets...   (Premium Version)
NOTE: In the "General Skill" animation cells, we've included Sprite Sheets where he has a sword on his back and where he doesn't. The ones where he doesn't in those animation cells, along with "Slash" and "Thrust" cells, is because those are the cells where he'd be using a sword in combat. We have included versions with and without the sword for those positions to better help you fit this character into your game projects.

This Character doesn't have to be Cloud; He can be anyone you want him to be!
This character pack is formatted for RPG Maker MV and MZ, though it is a resource you can use with ANY Game Engine (with some editing at the game developer's responsibility).

We offer a FREE or Pay-What-You-Want version of this Character Pack, with the Quality Essentials you need to get FFVII's Cloud, in your game projects. You Can Check that Out HERE!
However, the expanded content included in this Premium Version is well worth the price tag and isn't expensive at all! You get plenty of content to best fit into your game developing needs that go the extra mile in high quality, with this Premium Character Pack.

You can also Check out our Character Packs for AERIS (free version) and (premium version)...

Want to know what other RPG Maker or Game Resources we have available? Check out our Store, by Clicking Here!

Thanks for all your support and interest in all things GAME ATTOMIX! 😄

Final Fantasy VII's Cloud Character for RPG Maker MV and MZ (FREE)

 GAME ATTOMIX RPG offers a FREE RPG Maker MV & MZ Character Sprites Pack for a very popular game character! With 14+ Hours of Spriting work put into making all the elements of this custom character package (Free and Premium versions), you are sure to get the quality resources 

It's CLOUD of Final Fantasy VII Fame! You can get this for FREE or Pay-What-You-Want to contribute to more of our work on resources, tutorials, reviews, etc. The choice is yours, though the result is the same: YOU CAN HAVE CLOUD in your Game Projects!

This Cloud Character Pack is part of our collection designed in honor of the Final Fantasy VII series, especially with the release of its forthcoming remake. We have other Character Packs in this series as well, though check out the details below to see what comes with this Free or Pay-What-You-Want CLOUD Character Pack!

What You Get in this Character Pack:

+ 1 Face Graphic in Quality .png file format.
+ 2 Character Walk Sprite sheets in Quality .png file format.
    (1 with Cloud's sword on his back & 1 with no sword on his
+ 1 Character Damage Sprite sheet in Quality .png file format.
+ 2 SideView Battler (SV_Actor) Animated Sprite sheets in Quality .png file format. 
    (1 without Cloud's sword on his back & 1 with it.)
+ 1 Custom Weapons animation sprite sheet in .png format (for when Cloud is using his sword).
+ Instructions and other documentation on this digital resource included in the package.

This character pack was created for use primarily for RPG Maker MV or RPG Maker MZ, though it can be used in other game engines with some re-sizing and manipulation that is the responsibility of the game developer who acquires this character pack.  
(See Below for Samples)

Final Fantasy VII's Cloud's 2 Side View Battlers (FREE version)

Final Fantasy VII's Cloud's Walking Graphics, Damage Graphic, Face Art, SideView Battler sheets, and Animated Weapon Graphic (for when character is using this Custom Cloud Sword Weapon)

This Character doesn't have to be Cloud; He can be anyone you want him to be!
This character pack is formatted for RPG Maker MV and MZ, though it is a resource you can use with ANY Game Engine (with some editing at the game developer's responsibility).

You may be interested and downloading this Free Version of the Cloud Character Pack for many reasons. If one of those reasons, for you, is that you think premium sprite work could be costly or expensive, then know that is not the case with Game Attomix! 😀
We are very inexpensive even with our premium quality work (though, our free goodies are of quality work, as well). Go ahead...we challenge you to see how inexpensive an expanded package for this character pack is!
If this base pack isn't enough for you, then check out our Premium Version HERE!

You can also Check out our Character Packs for AERIS (free version) and (premium version)...

Want to know what other RPG Maker or Game Resources we have available? Check out our Store, by Clicking Here!

Thanks for all your support and interest in all things GAME ATTOMIX! 😄

Monday, February 1, 2021

Final Fantasy VII's Aeris Character for RPG Maker MV and MZ (Premium)

 GAME ATTOMIX RPG offers an CUSTOM RPG Maker MV & MZ Character Sprites Pack for a very popular game character! 

It's AERIS of Final Fantasy VII Fame like You've NEVER SEEN HER BEFORE!
(14+ Hours of Spriting work went into making all the Elements of this custom character package and the Free Version!)


What You Get in this Character Pack:
+ 16 Face Graphics in Quality .png file format.
+ 1 Character Walk Sprite sheet in Quality .png file format.
+ 1 Character Damage Sprite sheet in Quality .png file format.
+ 4 SideView Battler (SV_Actor) Animated Sprite sheets in Quality  .png file format.
+ 1 Custom Victory Animation in the SideView Battler Sheets.
+ 9 Original, Custom Animation in the SideView Battler Sheets.
+ Instructions and other documentation on this digital resource.
This character pack was created for use primarily in RPG Maker MV or RPG Maker MZ, though it can be used in other game engines with some re-sizing and manipulation that is the responsibility of the game developer who acquires this character pack.  
(the 9 Custom Animation Samples Below)

A few of the Final Fantasy VII's AERIS  Custom Side View Battler Animations...

This Character doesn't have to be Aeris; She can be anyone you want her to be in your project!
This character pack is formatted for RPG Maker MV and MZ, though it is a resource you can use with ANY Game Engine (with some editing at the game developer's responsibility).

We offer a FREE or Pay-What-You-Want version of this Character Pack, with the Quality Essentials you need to get FFVII's Aeris, in your game projects. You Can Check that Out HERE!
However, the expanded content included in this Premium Version is well worth the price tag and isn't expensive at all! You get plenty of content that can best fit into your game developing needs that go the extra mile in high quality, with this Premium Character Pack.

You can also Check out our Character Packs for Cloud (free version) and (premium version)...

Want to know what other RPG Maker or Game Resources we have available? Check out our Store, by Clicking Here! Thanks for all your support and interest in all things GAME ATTOMIX! 😄

Final Fantasy VII's Aeris Character for RPG Maker MV and MZ (FREE)

GAME ATTOMIX RPG offers a FREE RPG Maker MV & MZ Character Sprites Pack for a very popular game character! 

It's AERIS of Final Fantasy VII Fame! You can get this for FREE or Pay-What-You-Want to contribute to more of our work on resources, tutorials, reviews, etc. The choice is yours, though the result is the same: YOU CAN HAVE AERIS in your Game Projects!
(14+ Hours of Spriting work went into making all the elements of this custom character package
and the Premium version Package!)

Check out the Ad below for More Details...


What You Get in this Character Pack:
+ 1 Face Graphic in Quality .png file format.
+ 1 Character Walk Sprite sheet in Quality .png file format.
+ 1 Character Damage Sprite sheet in Quality .png file format.
+ 1 SideView Battler (SV_Actor) Animated Sprite sheet in Quality .png 
    file format.
+ Instructions and other documentation on this digital resource.
This character pack was created for use primarily in RPG Maker MV or RPG Maker MZ, though it can be used in other game engines with some re-sizing and manipulation that is the responsibility of the game developer who acquires this character pack.  
(See Below for Samples)

Final Fantasy VII's AERIS Side View Battler (FREE version)

Final Fantasy VII's Aeris Walking Graphic, Damage Graphic, & Face Art (FREE Version)

This Character doesn't have to be Aeris; She can be anyone you want her to be!
This character pack is formatted for RPG Maker MV and MZ, though it is a resource you can use with ANY Game Engine (with some editing at the game developer's responsibility).

You may be interested and downloading this Free Version of the Aeris Character Pack for many reasons. If one of those reasons, for you, is that you think premium sprite work could be costly or expensive, then know that is not the case with Game Attomix! 😀
We are very inexpensive even with our premium quality work (though, our free goodies are of quality work, as well). Much of our Premium Resources are less than a Starbuck's cup of coffee. A 3rd grader could afford our Premium Resources with their allowance and have money to spare. 😂 It's true.
Seriously...go ahead...we challenge you to see how inexpensive an expanded package for this character pack is!
If this base pack isn't enough for you, then check out our Premium Version HERE!

You can also Check out our Character Packs for Cloud (free version) and (premium version)...

Want to know what other RPG Maker or Game Resources we have available? Check out our Store, by Clicking Here!

Thanks for all your support and interest in all things GAME ATTOMIX! 😄